Manly Historians talk about Men doing Manly Things

About MMH

For too long, men's stories have been relegated to the margins of history, seen only through the lens of our wives, sisters, mothers, or daughters. Today, a new era dawns. As men rise up, finding their voices and sharing their experiences, the tide is turning.

My fascination with men's history isn't a call to arms, but a tribute to their perseverance, strength, and spirit. The more I learn about the men who paved the way, the more their struggles and triumphs resonate. The Men's Movement wasn't built by a select few, but by countless ordinary men who, while raising families and tending to hearths, while fighting for education and opportunity, dared to make a difference for all.

Sharing these stories is the driving force behind my newsletter, Men Make History: Untold Tales. It's also the reason for my essays, interviews, and the book I'm writing about Frederick Douglass.